NFT Ecosystem flow & Utility
NaaS (NFT as a Service) where your digital asset will serve the purpose to the entire gaming ecosystem. Every heroes and weapons are unlocked upon staking it. In-Game assets, heroes and superpowers will be powered by the NFT. Dynamic metadata where your performance will be registered in the NFT overtime. Example - Games played, games won, heroes defeated, winning rate, rank and most successful hero.

In short ur NFT data = Dotabuff of DOTA.

Redeem ecosystem fees, loan ur asset to traditional gamers.
NFT chart
Good Luck Have Fun !
MYTH NFT will be the empowerment to whole ecosystem. Total of 5000 character NFTs. Every owners will be dropped with in-game custom heroes designed in 3D (realistic art) when launched. User network effect is our priority and that’s the kind of demand we expect for NFTs and not just rely on pure speculation. Different genre of games will be developed around myth ecosystem going forward. But our first release will be FPS + MOBA !